So you wanna snag the Rabbitfish, huh? The slippery legend of Fisch’s Arch? Buckle up, kid. I’ve lost years of my life to this fish. Let’s make sure you don’t.
Step 1: Get Your GPS (Or Get Lost Forever)
First things first: buy the GPS from Moosewood. You’ll find this dude lurking near the pond, probably muttering about seaweed prices. Skip this, and you’ll regret it later—trust me! Without that GPS, you’re gonna paddle in circles like a seagull chasing a chip.
Pro Tip: Moosewood’s a chatterbox. Nod, say “cool, cool,” and run before he starts reciting his fish poetry.
Step 2: Steal a Boat (Or, Y’know, Buy One)
You need a boat. Buy one from the Shipwright if you’re fancy, or borrow a stranger’s. (Just don’t ask questions. Some of us still have warrants in Atlantis.)
Warning: If you’re hopping on a rando’s boat, probs avoid the guy named “Kraken Steve.” Long story.
Step 3: Sail to The Arch (And Don’t Screw Up the Coordinates)
Plug these digits into your GPS: 1100, 133, -1200. Miss a number, and you’ll end up at “Dave’s Crab Shack” instead. (Dave’s cool, but his crab cakes won’t catch you a Rabbitfish.)
Troubleshooting Tip: If the ocean looks weirdly pixelated, you probs entered “-120” instead of “-1200.” Congrats, you broke reality. Relog.
Step 4: Bait Your Hook (Seaweed or Bust)
Here’s the fun part: use SEAWEED as bait. Yes, the same slimy stuff you side-eye at the beach. No, salmon won’t work. Yes, this step is as annoying as untangling earphones.
Golden Rule: When you see that golden exclamation mark, DON’T PANIC. Mash the reel button like your ex just texted.
Step 5: Survive the -20% Progress Speed Debuff (RIP Your Sanity)
Rabbitfish slows your reel speed by 20%. It’s like the fish is mocking you. “Oh, you wanted XP? How about PAIN?”
Mentor’s Secret: Use a rod with high Resilience/Control. My fave? Abyssal Specter Rod. It’s like giving the fish a middle finger.
Step 6: Pray to RNGesus (Or Get a Fish Radar)
If you’ve got a Fish Radar, you’ll see Rabbitfish clusters. No radar? Welcome to Fishing: Hard Mode.
Stuck? Try swapping bait spots. Sometimes the fish are just… moody. (Like my cat. Thanks, Whiskers.)
Step 7: Celebrate (Or Cry. Both Work)
Catch it? 800XP is yours! Missed it? Welcome to the club. Grab a better rod (Heaven’s Rod slaps) and try again.
Final Warning: Don’t Ignore Mutated Fish
If your rod gives mutated fish, you’ll score a shiny Rabbitfish. It’s worth bragging rights. Or therapy bills.
TL;DR: GPS → Boat → Arch → Seaweed → Suffer → Profit.
Still lost? Hit me up. Or don’t. I’ll be at Dave’s. 🦀